Jumat, 26 September 2014

Assignment   #1
Due 2  oct  2014
Pengajar : Tri Djoko Wahjono, Ir, M.Sc.

Review Question :

      11. What primitive control statement is used to build more 
          complicated control statements i languages that lack them?
          Answer :
 The selection statement plus GOTO is used to build more complicated  control statements such as FOR loop.

    12. What construct of a programming language provides process 
         Answer :
         Sub Program

    13. What does it mean for a program to be reliable?
         Answer :
         It’s mean a program can performs to its specifications under 
        all conditions.

    14. Why is type checking the parameters of a subprogram important?
         Answer :
         Because it can lead to lots of hard to debug errors.

    15. What is aliasing?
         Answer :
         aliasing is having two or more distinct names that can be used to 
         access the same  memory cell.

Problem Set :

   11. Describe some design trade-offs between efficiency and safety in 
        some language you know.
        Answer :
        In C language an element will continue in check so even if no 
        exception is made, it will break the C language itself would be safer 
        but the process is much longer because it continue to repeat and it’s 
        make c language take more time to process it.
   12. In your opinion, what major features would a perfect programming 
        language include?
        Answer :
        In my opinion Syntax, documentation, and error message are the
        most important features in a perfect programming language. 
   13. Was the first high-level programming language you 
       learned implemented with a pure interpreter, a hybrid implementation 
      system, or a compiler? (You may have to research this.)
       Answer :
       My first high-level programming language that  I learned is C++ which 
       is implemented with visual C++ and it is a compiler.

   14. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of some programming 
       environment you have used.
       Answer :
      C Language Advantages :
C Language has list of advantages due to this it is very much popular language around the world and best suitable for the programmer to learn at the fist stage of the programming.

(1). Procedure Oriented Language
C Language is procedure oriented language, Here user creates procedures or functions to execute their task.

(2). Lots of Libraries
C Language provides lots of functions which consist of system generated functions and user defined functions.

(3). Speed of Compilation
C compiler produces machine code very fast compared to other language compiler. C compiler can compile around 1000 lines of code in a seconds or two. One more benefit of the C Compiler is that it also optimize the code for faster execution.

(4). Easy to Learn (Syntax is near to English Language)
C Language syntax is very easy to understand. It uses keyword like if, else, goto, switch, goto, main, etc. This kind of keyword we all are using in our day to day life to convey meaning or to get some decisions. 

5. Portable 
C Language setup is around 3-5 MB. So you can carry this language in your Floppy Drive or Pen Drive. Its very easy to install and operate, Again its output is exe file which can be executed in any computer without any other framework / software.

C Language Disadvantages
Every coin has two sides, as C Language has also some disadvantages. C Language has not any major disadvantages but some features is missing in the C Language, obviously that's why C Language is very much powerful now. 

(1). Object Oriented Programming Features (OOPS)
Object Oriented Programming Features is missing in C Language, You have to develop your program using procedure oriented language only.

(2). Run Time Type Checking is Not Available
In C Language there is no provision for run time type checking, for example i am passing float value while receiving parameter is of integer type then value will be changed, it will not give any kind of error message.

(3). Namespace Feature
C does not provides namespace features, so you can't able to use the same variable name again in one scope. If namespace features is available then you can able to reuse the same variable name.

(4). Constructor and Destructor is not available
C does not provides object oriented features, so it don't have Constructor and Destructor features. Constructor and Destructor is used to construct object and destroy object. 

  15How do type declaration statements for simple variables affect 
        the readability of a language, considering that some languages do not 
        require them?
        Answer :
       The use of type declaration statements for simple scalar variables may 
      have very little effect on the readability of programs. If a language 
      has no type declarations at all, it may be an aid to readability, because 
      regardless of where a variable is seen in the program text, its type 
      can be determined without looking elsewhere. Unfortunately, most 
      languages that allow implicitly declared variables also include explicit 
      declarations. In a program in such a language, the declaration of a 
      variable must be found before the reader can determine the type of that 
      variable when it is used in the program. 

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